Strategic HR Plan Design Software For Businesses
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(Another way to look at it:) 3 “Types” of HR... and the potential business-impact from each
- "Keep me in compliance and out of jail HR"
- "Keepin’ up with the Jones’ HR", and
- "Keep me ahead of the competition HR" (where most SMBs are doing the least)
The HR Value Pyramid
- 7 component parts of the P&L (the business’s unique model and purpose)
- 7 HR Strategies (HR’s business purpose and business contribution)
- 11 HR Tactics (the day-to-day management of employment / people activities)
- 197 granular HR tasks, products, services (the weeds)
Start with “WHY” at the top - the business’s P&L; know WHICH granular “things” will accomplish all chosen strategies; and with upper management, stay out of the weeds!
The HR Business Wheel
Same pieces as the HR Value Pyramid above, plus typical “business operations / departments” are layered into the diagram to show the “HR Business Partner” role.
These “departments” might be large, or in small businesses, they might be just a part of a single employee’s job. Either way, the business principles still apply.
Need an “Architect” for your business’s Strategic HR Plan ? Details...